First United Methodist Church of Jacksonville
Sundays 11:00am Sunday Worship
Tuesdays 6:00pm Bible Study on Zoom
Fridays 10:00am Breakthrough Prayer Meeting
​​Follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our email newsletter to receive log-in information!
February 22nd- Better Together in church retreat will be held in the Fellowship Hall from 8am-3pm. Hope to See you there!​
We need your help cleaning up the Sanctuary, Fellowship hall, and Kitchen. Join us February 22nd. Volunteer for one room now. Please use the sign up sheet on the white board. We need YOU!
Looking for a spiritual boost and affirmation of your faith? Our traditional worship service is filled with beautiful traditional music and inspiring messages!
Fridays at 10:00am (In-Person)
Sundays at 11:00am (In-person/Zoom)
Tuesdays 10:00am - 2:30pm
Thursdays 10:00am - 2:30pm
Fridays 10:00am -2:30pm
​225 East Duval Street Jacksonville, FL 32202
​Tel: (904) 356-5618 Fax: (904) 356-5769
Why are we here?
Come and follow!
Our Mission
To be Love Period. Love God, Love Neighbor Love Self!
We believe God is with us; we are the living body of Christ. We are the hands, feet, and heartbeat of God. We believe the Spirit of God calls us to freedom, and we are not free until all of us are free.
Our Process
We Gather for worship with open our hearts to receive the word of God.
We GROW in Christ through Life groups and the practice of spiritual disciplines.
SERVE God and others by using our gifts, talents, and finance in our beloved community.
SEND "Lord, Here I am, Send me." Join God in his mission by curating and cultivating new disciples where we live work and play.
Our Vision
First United Methodist Church is called by God to do a bold new thing in our city. We aim to be a place of healing for hurting souls by creating safe grace-filled communities that prioritize spiritual wellness and equality.