First United Methodist Church of Jacksonville
​Make A Joyful Noise!

Music and Song at First Church
At First Church, we believe that music helps to enrich our worship experience and teach God’s truths to God’s people. The Sanctuary Choir sings in varied styles for our morning worship experience. Classical music, spirituals, and hymn anthems, help us to worship God through praise, prayer and understanding. The congregation enjoys singing hymns, old and new, as a way of professing their faith, and expressing their love for God.
The Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir is open to all singers from high school age and up. In addition to leading in worship each Sunday, the Sanctuary Choir performs two major works each year, in Advent and in Lent/Easter. Special services and concerts include cantatas and oratorios at Christmas and Easter, and other occasions.
SING WITH US - Join the Choir!
If you have been thinking of bringing the joy of singing into your life, simply join us for our weekly rehearsals or give us a call if you have any questions!
We rehearse at 9:45am Sunday morning for our 11am worship service.
The Organ & Other Instruments
The church sanctuary has a thirty-rank M.P. Moeller pipe organ which was installed in 1964. Revisions were made to the console in 2006. The three manual instrument also has MIDI processor which expands the organ’s capabilities. The pipe organ may be used for services, weddings, concerts, funerals, and other activities.
The church has three grand pianos, one in the sanctuary, as well as the choir room and Fellowship Hall.
A three octave set of Schulmerich Handbells are used on special occasions, usually during Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. A group of 10 to 12 men and women rehearse weekly in preparation for these special times of ringing in worship and concerts.